Rabu, 07 September 2011


Selulit adalah jaringan menonjol yang tebal, yang pada umumnya terjadi pada wanita tanpa mengenal batasan umur dan ukuran tubuh. Bahkan pada wanita yang langsingpun bisa memiliki selulit. Selulit terlihat seperti kulit jeruk yang umumnya terdapat pada bagian paha, dan bokong.
Penyebab selulit yaitu karena terjadinya jaringan ikat terdesak oleh lemak sehingga menyebabkan lemak terlihat dibawah kulit. Dengan berkurangnya jumlah lemak maka akan berkurang juga selulit yang timbul. Salah satu cara efektif yaitu dengan mengatur pola makan/diet serta berolah raga teratur.
Cara alami menghilangkan selulit yaitu dengan :
Campurkan segemgam serpihan garam batu kasar dengan 2 sendok makan minyak zaitun, balurkan pada tubuh dan gosok dengan arah melingkar.
Manfaat pengelupasan kulit :
mengikis sel kulit mati, mendorong pembuangan racun dari tubuh, menolong memecah selulit/mencegah selulit.

Gunakan spon mandi atau sikat tubuh dengan bulu alami bukan bulu sintetik, lakukan kira kira selama 5 menit untuk seluruh tubuh dari ujung kaki hingga pangkal lengan.

Memijat di daerah yang berselulit sekali atau 2 kali setiap hari akan meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan limfe, sehingga meminimalkan timbulnya selulit atau menyamarkan selulit.

Olahraga membantu meningkatkan sirkulasi dan menyingkirkan racun serta mengencangkan otot otot tubuh yang kendur. Lakukan beberapa gerakan olahraga yang dapat menghilangkan selulit di paha dan bokong.

5. Minum banyak air, makan banyak buah dan sayur.
Hindarilah makanan di bawah ini agar usaha yang anda lakukan untuk menghilangkan selulit berhasil.
1. Hindari makanan yang banyak mengandung gula
2. Hindari lemak jenuh dan lamak trans ( seperti daging, mentega )
3. Hindari kafein dan kopi
4. Batasi pemakain garam dalam makanan anda sehari hari.


Ambil kopi yang hangat kemudian balurkan ke bagian tubuh yang terdapat selulit kemudian bungkus dengan rumput laut yang dapat Anda temukan di swalayan, setelah itu bungkus dengan plastik.
Biarkan selama kurang lebih setengah jam (30 menit). Kemudian dibilas, sambil melakukan pemijatan.
How to apply Oceasia's Fashion Pre-design Tips
The following are application instructions for applying Oceasia's new RT Fashion tips. The new tips are made with the latest innovation in Pre-design tip technology. The result is a tip with a rough finish that is best described as a pre-buffed tip ready to apply. The rough finish and the mediums used in creating our new fashion tips not only make application a breeze but there is no shine to buff. Both acrylic and gel love our rough finish and you will too.

Now if you have purchased a set from us you are already aware of the difference in the surface texture. It is truly a new experience in Pre-design application. The following instructions give a general overview of the application process. The most important thing to note is that the designed area should not be buffed and there is no shine that needs to be buffed off.
Please note that the designed tips used in the following application process are not available for sale on this site.
Prepare the nail cuticle as per usual. Please follow your usual nail preparation procedure.
Prepare the nail base as per usual. Please follow your usual nail preparation procedure.
Please choose a tip of appropriate size for each nail. Using your nail glue please attach the nail as you would a standard French tip. Note that with our new designs we have kept the designs off the corners to allow for buffing. Also note that the nail tip itself has a rough finish. The rough finish is the key. Because of this finish the designed nail surface area never needs buffing.
Please cut the nail to a comfortable length. Note that our designs are focused along the smile line. Oceasia's fashion nails have been designed with a new technique in Pre-design Tips. This new technique insures the design will remain perfect from start to finish. The nail tip itself is of virgin AB resin. We use quality salon tips to design on. They are flexible yet long lasting.

Selasa, 06 September 2011

tips on removing tartar

Coral Dental calculus whose other name is dirt in the mouth is attached to the teeth for long periods so that over time will harden and petrified that it is difficult to be cleaned with a toothbrush. In terms of appearance of tartar is less eye-catching, so for those concerned about the appearance should be cleaned with a fine and true.
Everyone has differing in menghasilang tartar in the mouth. There are easily formed and some of the old establishment in the mouth depending on environmental conditions, levels in saliva (spit), the food we eat, the condition of teeth, types of germs in our mouths, and others.
To remove calculus or tartar should not be done alone or using an object or a chemical medication that is not clear. To clean the tartar should come to a good dentist who practices in homes, hospitals, clinics, health centers, and so forth. If you do not have much money should come to the clinic or other health care centers that could be affordable. Ask your dentist to clean the tartar you with scaling techniques and other means.
Using the wrong way it will only aggravate the situation was fine. If you are desperate to clean up with stones, knives, metal, sharp objects, etc. then maybe that just scraped a layer of enamel is very important or even may cause pockets of infection and germs in the teeth and gums. To be safer you should come to the dentist only (not the dental expert) so that your teeth can get back to usual and remain healthy and strong.
In order calculus did not return to our teeth, we can do some precautions tartar as follows below:1. Diligent brushing your teeth after meals and before bed with a definite teeth / toothpaste to prevent plaque.2. Diligently clean drinking water-gargle with mouthwash.3. Diligently clean up leftover food / plaque at the corner and between teeth with dental floss.4. Diligent gargle-gargle with cleaning fluid oral / dental floss that could prevent plaque tartar.5. Diligent eat fruits and or vegetables because fiber can help remove residual food in our teeth and gums.
Thank you so hopefully this article helpful to us all.

eliminate eye puffiness tips

Problem of eye bags and black colors on the eyelid below the eye is a lot of complaints and asked by the women. This condition is an eyesore and makes women look older than actual age. Area around the eye area is so easy to form a loose network of swollen, filled with liquid or fat, and have skin that is more sensitive than skin on other body parts. Now we peeled completely so, because it turns out this problem is not as simple as we thought.
Cause 'eye bags' blackened there are various kinds, including aging, sun damage, heredity, allergies, and lack of sleep (not permanently).
- Must be seen first cause. If due to aging, it can be tried creams that eyelid contains antioxidants that work to reduce swelling and help to improve the formation of healthy new skin. Eyelid cream or gel that is recommended by doctors of dermatology that contain vitamin C, vitamin K and derivatives of vitamin A (retinol). Certainly that has been passed safe for the eye test.
- If her blackness because of yet another allergy treatment. We recommend seeing a dermatologist and sex that may be in cooperation with the ophthalmologist. The doctor will give allergy medications taken and smeared. If allergies can be overcome, given the new skin color lightening cream under the eyes with a material that is relatively safe.
- The results of treatment will be seen in a long time with regular use of creams, could be months to years. Therefore the best way to cover the black color while treating the stain with a cream cover (concealer). It is recommended that yellow and comes closest to our skin color. Cream of this type possessed by almost all leading cosmetics brand in Indonesia, you should select an already certified kosher.
- Compress the eye area with a damp tea bag. Tea contains tannins which reduce inflammation and swelling. Caffeine contained in tea removes excess water from the skin so that the swelling is reduced.
- Cold cucumber slices can also be used to compress. The enzyme contained by cucumber reduce tissue swelling, deflates the bag and helps prevent the formation of blackish color. Do not forget to wash out to remove the sap because the sap can cause allergic reactions and irritation.

tips on removing blackheads

AROUND AND TYPE blackheadsBefore talking about tips blackheads, it is good to know about blackheads itself along with other types of blackheads.
Blackheads are a form of Dirt plug the pores in the form of generally small and black or white. smooth face look dirty and dull when it is possessed by those blackheads. Blackheads result accumulation of excess oil (sebum) and dead skin cells.
Blackheads are divided into two types
1. Blackhead (open comedo), looks like the pores are enlarged and blackened. Blackheads are blackish in color due to oxidation by air.
2. Whiteheads (closed comedones), was behind the cuticle layer of the clogged dirt and grease, looks like a small lump under the skin.
TIPS remove blackheads
1. Know your skin type. Typically, blackheads easily appear on oily skin. By identifying the skin type, you can more easily choose the appropriate facial cleanser products.
2. Choose the appropriate cleanser, which can make the skin really clean, fresh, and chewy. Give tolerance a month to test the effectiveness of the cleaners you use.
3. Choose a moisturizer that is suitable. For normal and oily skin, use oil free moisturizer. Actually, the body has a natural system that can regulate skin moisture.
4. Avoid comedogenic products. Other products that can cause blackheads is a cleansing milk, sunscreen, foundation, pressed powder, made from ginseng shampoo and conditioner. Keep in mind, pressed powder is a product that contains the most high-comedogenic substances. Use compact too long not only lead to blackheads, but also acne.
5. Living healthy and well nourished. Enough sleep and rest, avoid stress. This may sound corny, but try to apply this habit, and see the results.
6. Facial be one way to eliminate blackheads completely and accurately. Perform regular facials and after the menstrual period. This is to avoid the occurrence of changes in hormones and glands sebasia during menstruation, which produce oil more active.
7. Limit consumption of chocolate, milk chocolate, durian, peanuts, eggs, nuts, cheese, avocado, ripe mango, shellfish, cream powder, all kinds of milk (full cream, low or non fat), fried foods, coconut milk, and fatty meats.
8. If not wait and wanted to get away, just go to a dermatologist. Typically, doctors will recommend for facials and give certain medications. If komedonya very much, doctors will use laser technology assistance.
Needs to be done or troubleshooting remove blackheads naturally:
1. Use egg whitesTake a little egg white, place in a container, shake until frothy. Spread around the nose or the face of blackheads. Cover with paper towels. Allow to dry completely. Remove the tissue slowly. On the inside of a tissue, will be seen spots blackheads are raised.
2. Scrub vegetables and nuts maskBlender kailan a leaf, a piece of celery, ¼ apples, mixed with lemon juice. Rub and massage the face gently with a vegetable scrub, then rinse.
Steam your face with hot water which has been given 1 tablespoon of salt. Allow 10 minutes. Salt water steam will open pores, capillaries widen blood vessels under the skin and smoothen peredarah blood to the skin.
Combine juice and soy beans, use as a mask, let stand 30 minutes, rinse. Use several times.
If just reading these tips on removing blackheads without practice dech komedonya sure will remain perched and does not go away hehehe ... okay again to be more relevant also read about tips blackheads, which way not to squeeze acne scar. yes .. hopefully useful

8 ways of eliminating cellulite naturally

Here are some tips and simple steps:

1. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably raw).

2. Keep away from processed foods.

3. Drink plenty of water to clean the cells of toxins.

4. Stay away from soft drinks (even lowcalorie).

5. Avoid alcohol, which negatively affects the liver, the main body of toxins and filter.

6. Exercise. Exercise helps improve circulation and remove toxins and toning sagging body muscles. Do some exercise movements that can eliminate cellulite in the thighs and buttocks. Try to walk or jog at least three times a week selama30 up to 45 minutes.

7. Rub the skin with a bristle brush or loofah. Brush in slow sweep, always toward the heart. Try to do this at least five minutes a day.

8. You can also use the herbs that are used by one of the famous spa. Combine 1 cup corn oil with 1 / 2 cup grapefruit juice and 2 teaspoons dried thyme. Massage to the hips, thighs, and buttock area. Cover with plastic wrap to lock in body heat. For additional results, you can provide additional heat on the plastic, like a wrap with warm towels.

Well now you know the secret to eliminate cellulite, so no more time just to look at cellulite and sad. Good luck.

Beauty Tips: 9 Tips Acne Free

Acne is a problem common in teenagers, although older age is also sometimes experienced.

Acne can reduce a person's level of confidence.

The cause of acne is not so clear, but hormonal changes during adolescence and stress blamed as the cause.

Here are 9 handy tips to prevent acne:

1. Honey has many healing and cleansing properties. Pores can be opened by washing your face with water and apply honey afterwards.

After the honey smeared wait several minutes before rinsing with warm water. Face and then rinsed with cold water to close pores are open.

2. Wash your face at least twice a day in the morning and before bed. Wash more frequently in the summer to prevent the oil accumulated on the face.

It is advisable to wash your face with warm water before applying soap because warm water opens pores in the skin, allowing deep penetration of the soap on the skin.

Do not use body soap on your face because it can clog pores that cause acne.
After using soap, face should be rinsed with cold water to close pores again.

3. Toning the face - Most people forget to give toning the face. Toning is important to clean the rest of the facial cleanser.

4. Give a moisturizer on your face. People with oily skin should use oil-free moisturizer.

Meanwhile, people who have dry skin should use a moisturizing cream with an extra.

5. Expand to eat fresh fruits, and vitamin supplements, chromium, and zinc (zinc) if needed.

6. Avoid wearing heavy makeup, particularly in adolescents. Select the make-up based / berpelarut water instead of oil berpelarut.

7. Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. Water is the best cleanser that helps remove toxins from the body.

8. Do not use oil products such as hair oil or hair spray on your hair.

When the hair on the face, the oil will come transferee to the face and can cause acne.

9. Do not squeeze pimples. In addition to acne healing process becomes longer, this action would only leave permanent marks on the face.